Tonight I went to a stitching group in Burnie called Material Girls. I was invited by Vicki who I met in Launceston at the Creative Women Workshop. The ladies were very friendly and it was nice to meet some fellow stitching enthusiasts from my local area. They all bought along a Christmas block they had stitched for a Christmas in July swap. There was a nice mixture of stitchery and applique. The blocks were placed in paper bags then each lady choose a bag - they have to finish the block into a bag, wall hanging, cushion or table runner for the maker of the block. It will be interesting to see the end results in July. I worked on my March block for Bea's BOM - will try to finish it tomorrow. I cut out the fabrics for the Ryland Manor centre block today - will hopefully have time to piece it tomorrow.Here are the photos I promised of my Easter gift from Kathy.

Kathy has done a great job with this pincushion. All the fabric is from a plaid woollen blanket which she felted herself. The colours work really well together.

She is on a bit of a roll of late with her pincushions. The two orange ones were made from Nell's Flower Shop charm squares she found in Melbourne at the Convention Expo. I made the log cabin one years ago - this is how my well worn one used to look!

Kathy also made these two square pincushions - I'm happy to say one now lives at my house. I love the fabrics she used.

Went on a little shopping trip this morning. Spotlight had 75 % off Easter decorations - so got a nice little bag of goodies for $5. This cute chap jumped into my bag in Target so he has also joined the growing rabbit population in our house! Bargain off the day was a nice tailored Rockman's jacket for $5 at the Red Cross Shop. It will look very smart when I am playing at being a choir mistress at the Eisteddfods later in the year!

Hope you've had a good day wherever you are.