Recently, I was fortunate to win not one, but two blog giveaways.
Firstly at The Quilted Crow Girls I received a pair of pincushion patterns.
Aren't they cute. Thanks Leonie and Deidre.
Then over at New Zealand blog Farm Girl Stitching I was the lucky recipient of 3 charm packs ...
and some yummy Riley Blake fat quarters.
Thanks Nicky. They are all fabrics I would choose myself so I was very excited to add these to my stash.
As for sewing news, I have been quilting Simple Pleasures
... I only have to sew down the binding and it will be finished.
I've also completed my shoo fly blocks
that will become the border of my Vignette Mystery quilt.
Can you tell I used three fabrics for some blocks?
They are the ones with the 'daisyish' stripe.
I am still working away on my hexies. If the weather co-operates I'll post some pictures of the latest ones over the weekend.