Finished this Yule Time Annies cushion this morning. It has been waiting to be stuffed and sewn up for quite a while. This very cute stitchery was designed by local designer Lesley Hiller from Wash House Cats. I have made a few of her designs. The pattern was in Handmade Vol 12 No 6. It was pictured as a wallhanging but I choose to finish it as a cushion. I love quilts with praire point borders so decided to try them out. I was quite happy with my first attempt.
I do quite a lot of stitchery projects and here is my 'very elaborate' light box. It works really well. I have tried a variey of other methods - window, TV on an untuned channel, lamp in a washing machine! - but my torch in a box topped by an empty frame is the best.
These are some "Mini Christmas Cushions" I finished on Christmas Eve. I also made a set for my sister. I found the pattern at the Melbourne Stitches and Craft Fair in September at the Nikki Tervo Designs stand. I simplified them slightly by using ric-rac for the hanger. The pic below shows the fabrics used on the back.
This is a shot of Frosty - you can sort of see the cute ric-rac. It has a green/red strip through it.
Molly and I went for a walk to the beach this morning. She loves the beach - can't keep her out of the water. She is 10 years old but runs around madly like a puppy. I took some video of her on my camera. From the beach you get nice views of the foreshore. Here is a picture of the Uniting Church - very quaint.
Today I discovered my first comments from Anna Marie in Norway. This is very exciting as I regularly check out several Norweigan quilty blogs. Thank you Anna Marie for your encouragement. I think this blogging thing is becoming addictive.
Spent last night washing and drying fabric to add to the stash. I always hand wash my fabrics, then give them a few minutes in the washing machine on a gentle spin setting before ironing them dry. I use an old iron that belonged to my Pop for this.
Look where I found Olly this morning. He is scared of the vacuum cleaner and was hiding in the craft room. Such a sook.
Went to Spotlight in Burnie the other day and bought this ric rac and perle cotton. Looks kind of cute in this backet. Even our very weathered outdoor table looks okay as the background. The red ric rac is huge! I need it for some Christmas Cups by Bronwyn Hayes I started recently. Might be finished by next Christmas!
This is a Christmas table runner I have been working on from Marg Low Designs. I enjoy reading her blog. She designs lots of lovely Christmas projects. I bought the pattern by mailorder from Patchwork on Stonleigh in Wodonga. Below are some close ups of some of the stitcheries.
I think I will handquilt this piece with embroidery floss or perle cotton.The stitcheries were quick to do as they are mostly green with just a few red highlights. Good to do while watching TV - even with a cat on your lap!All the fabrics were from my stash.
This is a photo of Oliver just being cute. He likes to squeeze himself into all sorts of spots and positions. As we had a snake in the yard last week (eek!) he has been confined to the house. He likes this spot in the kitchen to sleep and look out the window. Much stitching has been done under Oliver's supervision.
Desperate to try a photo post - so here it is. This a stitchery I made a few years ago. I think it was by Making Spirits Bright and published in a Homespun magazine. I love making siticheries.
Well, after enjoying lots of crafty quilty blogs for the last few months I have finally decided to take the plunge and give it a go. I love seeing what others are making so now I can share some of my projects too. Hopefully this blog will inspire me to finish more projects too. I am the queen of UFO's.
I got a digital camera for Christmas - my present to myself -and have been busy snapping Christmas craft pics all around the house. Will share some when I work out how!