
Sunday, 29 July 2012


For this month's Schnibble I chose Roundabout from Another Bite of Schnibbles.

I used the Pom Pom de Paris fabric range by French General.

While I LOVE these fabrics, I'm not sure they were the best choice for this pattern. The 'roundaboutness' kind of got lost because of the low contrast between the background and block fabrics. I really wanted to use the plain pearl French General fabric but didn't have enough in my stash.

Regardless, it was an easy pattern to put together and I'd love to make another using the layer cake option.
While making Roundabout I tried out my Folded Corner Clipper ruler. It does away with the tedious job of having to draw lines when adding a triangle to a corner. 

As it says on the packaging, 'by trimming the corner first, you identify the sewing line and trim in one step.'

There are also no little 'ears' to clip off after you press back the triangle. I found it very accurate and will definitely be using this tool again. I purchased mine here.

 Finally, here's Oliver having a wash on my cutting mat. He seems to do this every time I get it out! Weirdo!


  1. Another nice quilt top there. Poor Oliver - how dare you call him a weirdo :)

  2. Another stunning quilt Chrisitine, gorgeous fabrics...looks like a great tool...x

  3. Lovely quilt Christine - don't be too disappoooointed with the colours - the red really pops and I know how much you love FG reds! See you tomorrow :)

  4. It's a lovely quilt Christine using one of my very favourite fabrics!

  5. It's still a very pretty quilt. You will have neatly cut leftover triangles that you can use for pinwheels etc.

  6. ordered a couple of these for me and friends this morning.........

  7. It's a lovely quilt, I love the Pom de Paris range and good to have a review of the corner clipper thanks as I've been contemplating buying one of those myself.

  8. Such lovely fabrics for a gorgeous quilt. Great ruler too

  9. Love the fabrics you chose for the pattern--- It's a great pattern,but the fabrics give it an entirely new flavor.... great job....

  10. The fabrics are just perfect and the colours give a lovely perspective to your quilt - you should be proud, it's gorgeous!
    Enjoy Oliver's little sojourn into the world of quilting, he's lovely too. xx

  11. Hi! I think the roundabout is the red star that emerges, not the wheel!
    I love the fabrics!
    Take care, Leslie

  12. An other wonderful quilt !!! Bravo Christine !!

  13. Lovely Christine.... And I love your ruler...haven't seen this thanks for the tip:0))

  14. That rulers looks really useful. What a cute kitty helper.

  15. Your cat and mine must be related. When ever I work at my cutting board miss priss hurries over and walks right over my ironed fabric, plops down, and makes herself comfortable. I have taken to setting up a spot on the end of the table for her, then I rangle her back to that spot. Works most days. And I can get something done.

  16. Oh love that folded corner clipper!! Must have....

  17. Wow.... for someone whose been feeling abit under the weather lately, you sure do get alot done with quilting etc!!

  18. Hello Christine...again...
    Could you do me a favor...check if my no reply problem no longer is there.....please.....:0))))))

  19. A beautiful quilt Christine....I love the colours & the way you've arranged them gives it a real patched/scappy effect!

  20. neat looking cutting tool for the flying geese: thanks for showing it. I'm going to have to go look for one! And your kitty looks so much like mine, but she is a "she" kitty. I love the white bellies :-P

  21. The pattern you picked for your fabrics is wonderful. It is a beautiful quilt Christine! I especially love the kitty though!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I appreciate your thoughts.
