This year our Friends in Stitching birthday swap has the theme of "Grow, Cook and Eat". We have to make our swap partner a gift that is based on one, two or all three of those words. Each year I am the first in our lovely group to have a birthday (yes, I was 45 on Monday ... ancient!) so today I am going to share the lovely presents I received from Kerry. I have met Kerry several times which makes them just a little more special.
Kerry wrote, 'the flowers on the apron are grown, the apron and the cookie cutters are for cooking and if the cupcake pincushion was real you could eat it. 'Blackberry Jam and Cream' is for cooking.'
I LOVE the floral fabric Kerry used for my apron ...
and just look at the awesome pink ric-rac.
I thought this was a really clever way to use the Moda tape that is used to tie up those delicious Moda jelly rolls.
I think the adorable pincushion is a Bareroots design.
This is the back ... so clever and cute!
I was really pleased to receive a copy of Kerry's Blackberry and Cream book. It has quilting projects and lots of lovely recipes inside.
On Monday night I also received some gorgeous red and white presents from the Material Girls which I will share in a later post. We are still painting here and between that and trying to get ready for school next week my sewing has ground to a screeching halt. Hopefully by the weekend I will get back to it.