
Thursday, 29 December 2011

It's a Party! AQQ is Four!

Yes, it is four years since I decided to start Auntie's Quaint Quilts  ... and it would have to be one of the best decisions I've ever made! To be honest, I started it for me as a record of my stitching journey, but along the way I have made so many lovely quilty friends where before I knew very few who really understood my little obsession. Some of you I am privileged to know in 'real-life', while others I ' know' well through your blogs and emails.

A celebration like this calls for some gifts ... one for each year of blogging. To say thank you for reading my posts, leaving encouraging comments and/or becoming followers four of you will win one of the following:

1. A Rose Parade layer cake by Moda.

2. A copy of Scandinavian Stitching by Kasja Wikman.

3. A Kiss Me pattern by Fig Tree & Co.

4. A Fresh Cottons charm pack by Fig Tree & Co.

To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment. (I love comments but only one per person, please) Maybe you could tell me where you are from, how you found my blog or what you like to see/read on quilty blogs. Not compulsory but interesting for me to know. The first name drawn will win prize 1, second prize 2 etc. Overseas readers are welcome to enter ... I will post internationally.

Entries close at midnight (Penguin time) on Wednesday 4th January. Good luck to all.


  1. Congrats! :) keep up the god work. I love seeing pictures of people's projects, they are always so inspiring.

  2. Congratulations on 4 years! I am highly obsessed too, in fact, I think I may need professional help :) I am from New Mexico and have been quilting for close to 20 years but very seriously for about 10.

  3. Happy Blogiversary Christine! I had a bit of a giggle when I read "Penguin Time". I know where it is and I have been there and knew exactly what you meant - it just must have been the way I was reading it.

  4. Congratulations on four years of blogging! I can't remember how I started following your blog, but I did start blogging for the same reason as you and have also made some wonderful friends - a bonus of blogging that I didn't realize would happen.
    I love seeing lots of pictures on blogs.

  5. Congrats on your 4 years of blogging!!!, way to go!!!!!. I'd love to be entered in the drawing, I love your prizies...
    I'm from Costa Rica, I adore to quilt, I enjoy to look for tutorials on the blogs, I spend a long of time surfing the web..., I don't know how long ago, I became your follower, but I'm so glad for it :), thank you for hosting the giveaway, I'll have my fingers crossed :)

  6. Congrats on 4 years! It's been almost 2 for me, and I started for the same reason. I live in Maryland in the good ole USA. But thanks to the blogging community, I now have friends all over the world, and I love it!!

  7. Congrats on four years, wow! I just started mine a year ago, I think? Can't wait to see how far I'll have come in four years time. I found your blog through another blog. I like to look at everyone's quilts and just drool and your blog happens to display some real beauties, so I became a follower! Here's to another great four, thank you for sharing!

  8. Congratulations on 4 years - i think i have been following you for 3 years. I like many of the same projects you have actually made (mine lie unfinshed sigh) I also read many of the same blogs as on your bar so have often jumped through here as I am enjoying a cup of tea

  9. Wow 4 years! I hope I am still posting on my blog 4 years from now. Found you blog through another blog I can't remember which one I follow too many. I love all your hand stitching.

  10. I love your's been a great 4 years full of inspiration. I'm looking forward to many more. Blogging and quilting is just the best combination.

  11. Congratulations on your four years of blogging! When I read a blog, I like to see how people interpret the same pattern in many different ways by changing the fabric scheme. I found your blog through another blog. I'm from the Pacific Northwest and have been quilting since 1994.

  12. hApPy BiRtHdAy!!!!!!!!!
    hope you continue to have a great time in blogland........I think I have been here from the start so I just keep coming back to see what beautiful things you have made.......

  13. FOUR years!!

    Wow and well done!

    Hope to see you in 2012 at either QC events or Fees/Jos event!!!

  14. Hi There, I do not know how long I have been following you, but it has been quite a long time. And, I always enjoy even though I have been away from quilting. But, I keep thinking that I will be sewing again soon. I am in California. Thanks for all your inspiration! And, Congratulations.

  15. Happy blog-birthday! I am from country NSW...and I love seeing what you are up to!

  16. Congratulations on 4 years! I come from Perth, West Aus, but am currently teaching in Germany with my husband. I love your beautiful quilts and photos of Oliver Henry too.

  17. Hi Christine, I have been following you since I joined the Vignette blog. I am in my first year of blogging, and have a lot to learn. I love keeping up with what you are doing, I have no preferences about what you blog. Your work is always beautiful. A big congrats on your 4 years.

  18. Hi Christine
    Congratulations on 4 years. I have only just started my blog recently and I hope one day to have as many followers as you. I found your blog whilst browsing through someone's else's blog... blog hop if you like :-). Love your quilts and cushions, everything looks lovely. Looking forward to seeing more to come.

  19. hallo I'm Carine and lives in Belguim , Bruges , I love to write me in ...I wish you A Helthey and creative 2012 , and that all your dreams may come through. Love and hugs Carine (

  20. I really enjoy your blog and congratulations on 4 years of blogging. Your giveaway is very generous.
    Mandy Hawkins

  21. Hello Christine - my name is Annie....I met you at Material Girls :) and found your blog told me about blogging. Love reading your posts.....but love even more catching up in real life and seeing your gorgeous WIP's and Finishes xoxoxox

  22. Hello Christine, I can't remember when I began reading your blog but it must have been in the past year when I began my blog. Your work is very nice. I'm from Melbourne, Australia.

  23. Hi, Lyn here from New Zealand...I found your blog a couple of years ago when I followed a link from another blog when I first discovered that there were blogs out there..yours is always a blog I come to, to see what you are up to, and also to follow the links on your side have a great selection that you follow..Congrats on your 4 years of blogging

  24. Happy 4 years Christine! I can't remember where I saw you but I immediately became a follower...I love to see what you make...and I have a soft spot for Tassie!

  25. Congrats on the 4 years. I have only been in blog land for 6 mths and you were one of the first I was following :o) Love to visit and see what you are up to

  26. Happy blog-anniversary!! Found you through other blogs, clickclickclick and stayed...
    Greetings from the Netherlands: van harte gefeliciteerd met 4 jaar bloggen!

  27. Congratulations for 4 years of blogging! I linked to your blog through another quilty blog but I'm embarrassed to say that I don't remember which one it was...

    I love reading quilt blogs because I enjoy seeing the fabrics and designs that other people use.

    Thank you for your generous giveaway! :)

  28. wow, 4 years of blogging, Congratulations Christine. I'm so happy I started my blog as thats how I met you. I love looking at your beautiful projects and I get the privledge of quilting some of them.

  29. Happy Blog Anniversary!!!!

    I have found your blog through another blog and when I saw your wonderful Quilts ... WOWWWWWWWWWWW ... I'm a follower of course!!!!

    I love see your projects ... all ... you are more creative and every day I love read your journal.

    I'm from Italy and I'm an obsession for fabrics and for Quilting!!!
    I don't have time to Quilt how I'd like but I have more time to collection fabrics and the night before I come asleep ... I dream for the next Quilt!!!!
    I have 4 kiddos and more Quilts to do

    Thanks for the wonderful price ^__^

    I wish you a Happy New Year

  30. Happy blog birthday. I found your blog througn A Spoonful of Sugar's blog. Thanks for the give away.

  31. Hi Christine,congrats on your 4yrs,well done.
    I am from Victoria and i find your blog very inspirational and i love visiting.xx

  32. wow the time has flown..I'm from Humpty Doo NT Australia,I can't remember how I found your blog..but I thrive on the inspiration I get from it..cheers Vickie

  33. I'm a new follower, found your blog off of a thank you list on Spoonful of Sugar.

  34. Merry Christmas and happy bloggiversary. I have been visiting your blog for a long time and always enjoyed coming here. Wish you a happy new sewing/blogging year.

    PS: It would have been fun to win one of these lovely prizes.

  35. Hi Christine...Happy Blogiversay....I am from a small country town in the middle of NSW...I think I have been visiting for years I think you and I may have started up about the same time ...and I always love to much inspiration..xx

  36. Hi Christine,
    Have been following your blog for a long time now. Love seeing the quilts you make and have a brother-in-law in Penguin so am interested to hear about the area too. I'm from country Queensland and I think I first found you through Bec of "Oh Sew Busy". Congratulations on making it through 4 fabulous years. Best wishes for the next one!

  37. Congratulations Christine on your 4th anniversary. I live in a small town 2o miles north of Dublin in Ireland. I found your blog through the Vignette Hexagon blog. I love reading peoples blogs to see what they are making and to OOHHHH and AAAAHHH at the wonderful creations they are working on (especially if they have som brilliant photos or tutorials).
    Best wishes

  38. Hi Christine, Congratulations on your anniversary, I'm so pleased for you to be celebrating four years. Your blog is one of the most interesting and inspiring blogs around, just between you and me it is my favourite.... even if we have the same taste in dogs and cats and your fabric choices are similar to mine, I love what you do with those fabrics and the pics of Oliver and Molly are always so sweet.... and then it was your lovely blog that got me motivated to start my own and I still have a lot of work to catch up to yours.... so congrats again, happy stitching, Sheryl.
    P.S. I can't remember how I found you... but I'm glad I did... :)

  39. I can say that we have become great friend through blogging. I just love it when we get to meet up and have our group stitching days or just to go out for lunch or coffee, Congratulations Christine on your 4th anniversary. Hope there is many more.

  40. First of all, congrats on your anniversary!!

    My name is Debora. I am from Madrid, Spain and I have been following you for a while now. I am more into cross stitching, but a couple of years ago I started to try to play with fabrics and do some quilting and I guess that's how I found your blog, which I love. You are welcome in my blog whenever you want. It's in Spanish but pictures talk by themselves.

    Thanks for the change and good luck to everyone,


  41. Olá
    Sou Wanilda do Brasil e a algum tempo acompanho seu blog.
    meu email é

  42. wow four years of seeing your stitching!

    I'm from northern NSW...and I just love seeing what bloggers are stitching...inspiring!

  43. Hi Christine! I love you blog! I´m still read your blog via Google Reader, but I`m a new follower since today.
    My real name is Malle, but in my craftblog I called Silpsolps. I´m from Estonia and my blog is in Estonian too. Unfortunately, I can not speak English very well. I love quilting, but I´m doing different things. You can see my craftsblog here:

  44. Congratulations on 4 years of blogging! I read your blog a long time now. I can't remember how i came to your blog. I like to look at others quilting projects for inspiration.

    Greetings from Debby,
    the Netherlands

  45. Congratulations. I live in South East Queensland. Not sure how i found your blog but i think it was on a favourites list on another blog. Hugs,

  46. Congratulations! You have done a wonderful job stitching and blogging. I hopped in years ago and stayed as a follower. Hope you will keep on blogging for many more years!
    BTW I live in th Netherlands but lived in Oz for a while a long time ago.

  47. Hi Christine..

    I have followed your blogg from the start and I have always loved your work !!
    You have this elegant way to put a quilt together that I adore.. Thanks for beeing my blogg friend ;-)

  48. Hi Christine! I'm from New Brunswick,Canada and I've been following you for more than 2 years. I don't remember how I found you just that I have enjoyed you from the beginning!I enjoy seeing what other quilt bloggers are working on as this inspires me and leads me in new directions sometimes:) Great draw and Happy 4 Year Celebration!

  49. Sending congratulations from Northwestern Ontario, Canada!!! I can't remember when I first found you in bloggerland but have been very much enjoying your quilting pieces, they are inspiring!!

  50. Congratulations from Spain and hope more to come.
    I don´t remember when I met you but it`s nice.

    Warm wishes

  51. Congratulations from Norway! (for the time being on vacation in the US). I have been following quilt blogs for a while now, and have been inspired to create quilts on my own.

  52. I'm from Utah and am a long time follower. I can't remember how I found your blog, but I surely enjoy it. Thanks for the chance on your lovely giveaway!

  53. Bonjour Christine

    Sympa ce petit jeu alors je vais y jouer aussi
    je m'appelle Marie Claude et j habite en France
    comment je suis arrivée jusque sur votre blog .... ho la la impossible à dire car je vais de blogs en blogs et le votre m'a séduit et je le visite assez souvent
    Je vous souhaite une bien jolie année 2012 et continuez a nous enchanter avec vos réalisations de patch

  54. Happy blogiversary! I can't remember when I found/met you, it's a long time ago! :-) You allways have some lovely projects you're working on!
    What I love to see on blogs are photos of what people are working on, very inspirational, and I also like a little tutorial now and then!
    Wish you a happy new year!

  55. Hi Christine ! Congratulations for your 4th blog-birthday !!
    My name is Florence and I live in France ( north-east). I really love to look at your blog because I've just the same taste as you, love the same colors and give me inspiration !!! and it appears that we are linked by one person that I was lucky to meet last year !!!
    Oh! and I forgot to mention Oliver as I'm a cat lover, it's another reason to feel close to you !
    Thanks for your giveaway !!!

  56. Congratulations! And thanks for the great giveaway! I read blog for creative inspiration. If only I had the time to make everything I see that I want to make! LOL

  57. Congratulations on your blogiversary!! I am from western victoria and I have been blogging about the same amount of time. Not sure how I found you for the first time!!

  58. Congratulations on four years of blogging. I'm from Melbourne and I'm not too sure how I came across your blog. I enjoy reading it and seeing all the lovely projects you make. Have a Happy New Year!

  59. Congratulations! I'm from Eastern Ontario and I follow your blog and also follow you on Pinterest. I love to look at your gorgeous quilts and enjoy dropping by for a visit. Thank you for the generous giveaway. Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!

  60. Congratulations on 4 years continuous blogging, I love popping in and seeing what you are up to, usually just a fleeting visit so I don't often comment but do enjoy the eye candy.
    Catch you at another FIS swap

  61. Four years, that's great! I'm following your from Tahiti (French Polynesia), not so far from Tasmania!
    Happy New Year for you, your family and of course, your blog!

  62. Happy 4th year blogging! I'm a follower of your blog - I enjoy seeing all your quilting projects, I'm in New Zealand - so just over the ditch :O)

  63. Wow! Four years.Congratulations. What a fabulous giveaway. I don't remember how I found your blog, it's been in my 'reader'for such a long time, I probably came across it as a link from another blog. I love to see things other than conventional quilts on a quilt blog-small projects etc. I love to read about families and all their goings on!! Gardens, recipes, wharever.

  64. Congratulations on your blogoversary!! That is amazing! I have read your blog for at least 2-3 years, but don't exactly remember how I found it. :) Currently, we live in the state of Delaware...but as a military family, we move quite frequently! Thanks so much for the chance to win won of your great prizes!

  65. Four years is a long time. Happy blogaversary.I love reading your blog. I live in Brisbane.Thanks for the chance to win a prize. They all look great.

  66. What a fantastic giveaway! I was over at 'A Spoonful of Sugar' and followed their link.

  67. I really enjoy reading your blog - I also love Fig Tree fabrics, and am also slowly doing the Fat Quarter Shop 2011 Designer BOM - your finished blocks are an inspiration for me to do mine. I also like reading your blog because I have visited Penguin - a lovely town that I went to about 5 years ago during a visit to Tasmania - I walked the Overland Track. All the best for many more years of blogging!

  68. Congrats on four years of blogging, awesome! I am originally from the Wimmera (western Victoria) but live in South Australia, love following all blogs that have a love of show and tell of their craft, quilting, stitchery etc. Have a great long summer holiday, happy quilting Sue SA.

  69. Congrats on the 4 years...time goes quickly doesn't it...I am now living in Ipswich Qld. Have just left Adelaide due to hubby being posted with the Airforce...feels great to be "home" for me. I follow you and have done for some time...cant remember how I originally came across your blog though....hugs Khris

  70. I've read your blog for the past two years. Not only do I enjoy seeing your quilting projects, but pictures of your 'fur buddy' too! Also, I like how you have blogs set up according to country of origin. Thank you for a chance to win. Pat McDonald

  71. Nice giveaway! I lime to read about the passion for Quilting and the Willemstad of sharing. I like colours and new way to Quilting. I like to learn and to be' inspired.i like to talk with people pathologically falled in love with needles like me!

  72. Hello Christine :-)
    Happy blog anniversary to you!
    I have followed your blog since the very beginning, even if I have not been so good at commenting lately.
    I am from Norway, so blogging has been like smilies, handshakes and hugs across long distances :-) I love it!
    Keep on keeping on with your lovely blog :-)

  73. Happy blog anniversary to you! I enjoy reading your lovely blog... first of all because I don't embroider but I really love seeing what you do and hopefully one day I will embark on the embroidery journey. I also love the style your quilts are. I love Fig Tree and I get so inspired seeing what you are creating. Thank you for all that you share... Sinta from just outside of Yosemite National Park, California USA

  74. Reading these posts is like looking at a map of the world !
    Greetings from Newcastle, North East England !!

    Congratulations on four years blogging, can't remember when I added your blog to my 'Google Reader'....then again, I can't remember what I was doing this time last year...Must be my age ! lol !!

    Keep up the good work. I wish you everything you would wish for yourself in the year 2012 :)

    Jan x


  75. I love to see the new projects from your blog and from other blogs listed on your page. have greetings from India.

  76. Wow ... 4 years! Sincere congrats Christine. Have been following you on Google Reader for quite sometime now and cannot remember how I found you but am glad I did. From a wet and cold Yorkshire, UK. This is a most fabulous giveaway, I'm going to be crossing fingers and toes, and might twirl locks of hair as well :)

  77. Congrats on 4 years of blogging! I can't remember how I found your blog several months ago, maybe through Amy's Quilt Festival or another blog. I've enjoyed it ever since & that's why it's in my favorites! I'm in the US state of Illinois. Keep up the great work, your blog is inspiring. Happy New Year!

  78. Happy Birthday deary! 4 years have gone by SO fast! Congrats!

    Now, I am from GT (as if you didnt know lol), and I am not sure if I found you or you found me..... been so long ago! And, I am SO glad we found each other... REALLY glad!

    Happy NY to you Christine! I hope it brings you and your family health, wealth, and and happiness xx

    See you Friday xx

  79. I have been reading your blog for about one year and found you on another blogger's blogroll.
    I am from Ontario, Canada and I love your blog!
    Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on your 4 year blogaversary!
    Happy new year and all the best in 2012!

  80. Hi Christine. I'm in Hamilton, New Zealand. To be honest I can't remember how I came across your blog, but it was one of the very first ones I discovered. It was your blog that convinced me to join the FQS Mystery BOM (my first ever attempt at quilting!), and I'm so glad I did. Thank you so much for being so inspirational!

  81. I have been reading your blog for a few months now which I read about on another blog - oops! can't remember which blog. I live on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.

  82. Congratulations on 4 years of blogging! I came to your blog from another quilting blog "Anne Maries quilting blog" which I came to from Anne-Grethes quiltblog - and I probably found that through another blog as well... :)I'm in Norway - these blogs make the world small! I LOVE it!
    Great give-away - Thanks for sharing!
    All the best for 2012 to you and all other quilters / bloggers/ ....

  83. I discovered your blog a few months back. I love to look at other peoples quilts and projects for inspiration. You are very talented. I live in the northern Ky region. I LOVE quilting and the outdoors. Blessings to you and your family.

  84. Congrats on 4 years of blogging! I have been reading your blog for quite a while, I can't remember how I found you but I am glad I did :)

  85. Congratulations on 4 years of blogging. I am from Hamilton, New Zealand. I love blogs with lots of beautiful photos of projects (like yours!), they inspire to make more things myself.

  86. Congats ! I love your blog and it's the first blog stop I make every morning. I a'm from the U.S.A., and found your blog about a year ago. Your work is so beautiful and I too love anything Fig Tree. I went back and read your blog from the very begining. Thanks so much and keep up the good work !

  87. Congratulations on 4 years blogging!
    I'm from the UK and I've been reading you for a while but I can't remember how I found you!!

  88. I am a reader and already a Follower and I don't recall when I started reading or how I found you. I am from Illinois in the USA and have been blogging for five years, although the blog I now write is not the first one I started. Happy new year and congrats on your blog being around these past few years!

  89. Congrats on your 4 years of AQQ! I started reading your blog early 2011 and don't really read any blogs through my dashboard but I save the ones I really like in my Favorites and check them every other day. Yours is one I always enjoy! I live near Chicago, Illinois, USA and have been quilting since 1976.
    Happy New Year and continued success!

  90. Hi, I just found you via Thimblelina's blog! Congrats on 4 years!! I'm from Melbourne Australia!

  91. Happy New Year! I just recently found your blog when I was looking for examples of the All Wrapped Up quilt. I love to see quilts to give me inspiration for what to do with the fabrics I acquire.
    Congrats on your blogiversary!

  92. Happy New Year 2012 and CONGRATS on your 4 years; my exact double as I have soon 2 years with the blog-gang:-) Have been one of your followers for a long time from all the way up here in Norway. Good luck celebrating your aniversary!

  93. I have been reading your blog for about 3 months. I remember thinking 'boy, she really is accurate in her piecing...... I wanna be just like her!'. Congratulations on your 4 year anniversary. I am from Cyprus, a tiny island in the Med.

  94. Love your jelly roll quilt Christine :) and what great job Leanne did on the quilting, as usual. I think I might have found your blog through Leanne's when I first started blogging. Have a great new year, and thanks so much for offering your wonderful give away.

  95. Hi Christine, wow, what a lovely giveaway! I think I first found your blog by just looking for quilting blogs on the net, and have enjoyed your sewing immensely. I am from Gisborne, Victoria - a fellow Australian! Have a wonderful 2012

  96. Happy New Year--- A great symbol of new beginnings-- Love your quilting. The Jelly Breakfast quilt is inspiring. Throw my name in the hat--- Fig tree fabrics are beautiful.

  97. Adoro seu blog é maravilhoso... meu nome é Ligia Viana Florianopolis Santa Catarina Brasil blog Retalhos Lindos email um ano novo feliz e cheio de paz e muitos crafts...

  98. Hi Christine

    I have your blog linked on mny blog roll a while ago...I do love your creations!

    I am a recent quilter....only 1 year......and I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
    I do love smaller table runners, cushions, items for the I would love to see some of them around here!

    Hugs and thanks for the chance to win these cuties!

  99. Was just surfing the net - bouncing from one blog to the next and came acrossed your blog - from northern Iowa where it is windy today (and cold). Should get back to the sewing room, but don't know what I want to work on today - maybe my mini dresden plate or cut and press more hst for Doves in the corner. Have a warm day and thanks for the chance to win. Robert, in northern Iowa.

  100. Congratulations on four years! I'm from Canada and my favourite blogs are ones where, like your blog, there are lots of lovely quilt photos as well as perhaps a glimpse of a kitty. ;-)

  101. Congratulations on your four-year anniversary! I found your blog while bouncing around on other quilting blogs. I live in Greece and love looking at your beautiful quilt photos.

  102. What a beautiful blog you have.. I am a bit of a lurker and am from Nowra on the NSW south coast! I have recently been thinking about starting my own blog but have not plucked up the courage to as yet! I do love lots of things about reading your blog.. It is so inviting, the colours, your beautiful projects and pictures.. Maybe you are the inspiration I need!... Congratulations on all your hard work!
    Kind regards, Sharon R

  103. What a great giveaway to celebrate! Congrats on the milestones.
    I'm glad to found your blog :)

  104. I'm from the Chicago land area of the United States. I found your blog during my first year of blogging and bookmarked it. I read your blog for inspiration. Congratulations on 4 years! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  105. Hi Christine- I am from Cape Cod, MA and found your blog just tagging along from another blog I was reading that had your name in the sidebar. I have found a lot of great blogs that way and yours is no exception. Congrats on four years of blogging and thanks for the nice giveaway you are having.

    Wendy T.

  106. Congratulations on four years of blogging! I'm from a coastal town in North-East of England...thank you for the giveaway!

  107. A big congratulations on 4th anniversary. Traditional gift for 4th anniversary is flowers and fruit - so rose parade and fig tree co gifts are just right. I found your blog when starting Vignette mystery quilt and loved your fussy cutting. I am spending new year fussy cutting like yours!! Thanks for the beaut photos - Felicity from Wattle Grove

  108. I love to read blogs for inspiration and teachings. Illinois USA. Keep up the good work of recording your progress and sharing with us!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I appreciate your thoughts.
