
Saturday, 24 April 2010

I'm Back!

Long time no see! I  lost the stitching plot for a while but have started to get back into it as time/health permits. Below are a couple more New Years Eve star blocks this time in the blue Aviary colourway.


 I have a few gifts to make in the next month or so .. this might become one of them. I have a tendency to change my mind a lot!

 I keep each of my current projects in sturdy plastic crates. Oliver though this one looked like the perfect spot for a siesta.

And of course, Molly was close by. She thinks she's his mother ... funny old thing!

Will try and post again soon.


  1. A lovely Post, Christine - I'm thrilled!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  2. nice projects...........keep posting...........

  3. Welcome back - Love the new look blog - Hope everything is okay with your health.

    Hugs - Fee XX

    PS. I adore Aviary - Your block is so pretty

  4. Love what you are working on....I just deleted the email when I received it...I knew you would not be into that sort of stuff...LOL....

  5. Gotta love the babies. Cats can sleep in the most strangest places. Love your projects and I guessed you weren't trying to sell me a laptop!!!

  6. Love that last pic...they look cute! What is it about cats and boxes...they just can't leave them alone.

  7. I knew you didn't send that email. I just deleted it.

    Maybe Oliver IS your next project!

  8. Those emails seem to pop up from many sources, got rid of it straight away. Some cute projects there, love 2 brown chickens though!!

  9. Welcome back, Christine. You've been missed and I'm happy to hear that you have your mojo back. Love your new blog look too!

  10. Pets are wonderful. SOmetimes better than people!

  11. I have really enjoyed looking at your site and your animals are gorgeous!
    cheers, Jude


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