
Saturday, 13 March 2010

A Little Bit of Stitching

This Jacob's Ladder block is the third block for my Friends in Stitiching BOM. It was Leanne's turn to choose the block this month. (Aren't the months just zipping by ... nearly Easter!!) Once again I used Rouenneries fabrics by French General ... I love the scrappiness of it.

In between finishing swap gifts, I had a play with the lovely fabrics Lynda sent me for my birthday. I decided to use the Calico Spools block ... with a slight variation. (All the spools have the pink plaid at the centre instead of the plain pink ... I like a scrappy look.)

I've made 8 spool blocks. The ninth will be the centre block and feature stitchery of some sort! The fabric with the red spot was a purchase from Quilt Fabric Delights ... it looks very cute and girly as sashings.

Here's a peek at something else I've been doing. It started out as a swap gift but I now have other plans for it.!

This afternoon I'm off to the theatre ... nephews and niece, Jesse, Micah and Tali are performing in the Burnie Musical Society's production of Oliver. They are all urchins/pickpockets in Fagin's gang. I have been treated to many renditions over the summer so it will be good to see it all come together.


  1. You certainly have been a busy gal! I love the pinks and blues together.

  2. Beautiful, Christine. The red fabrics are just delicious.

  3. Your Jacob's ladder block is lovely, I love your other fabrics to, you have been busy.

  4. Your blocks look great and love the Jacob's ladder, Christine.About to get "online" and book seats for my birthday evening to see Oliver. 4 of the people from our singing group are in the case, so looking forward to it! See you Tuesday night?

  5. Your blocks are always so neat and very pretty too ! Enjoy the play .

  6. Hey Chrstine!
    love your Jacob's Ladder Block! They are all coming along nicely! And, that B'day swap sneeky peeks look interesting too..... looking forward to seeing what they all look like together.
    x Sarah

  7. Your sampler blocks are wonderful. I'm dying to see it all come together. Your spool blocks are beautiful too - the fabrics are so pretty.

  8. lovely fabrics. Love the color. the Jacob's ladder block looks great. I'm going to make some this afternoon. Will post them tomorrow :)
    Have a great afternoon at the theatre.

  9. Love your choice of fabrics, you have been very busy!!

  10. All your projects are just wonderful! I particularly like the Jacob's ladder block. I hope you had a wonderful time at Oliver.

  11. Oh!!your sampler is very pretty.I love your fabrics.

  12. You have been busy. Cant wait to see the Jaboc's Ladder blocks put together. Hope you had a great afternoon at the theatre.

  13. Love your spool blocks.. those are sooo pretty!! Love them!!
    And the little peek is very interesting.. wonder what you are up to!

  14. Uau!!! seus blocos estão lindos!!!

  15. Your fabric choices are always so uplifting, Christine. Everything you make with them is eye candy to be sure. I just love your version of the spool block that are appearing everywhere in blogland these days. And I can't wait for you to reveal your sneak peek because it too looks heavenly.

  16. Oh Wow do I ever love those fabrics. Your block is stunning.

  17. This is really cute. I love your fabrics.


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