
Sunday, 24 May 2009

Missing in Action!

Hi. Thanks to everyone who sent good wishes to Molly. She had the splint taken off her ear on Friday and it has healed very nicely. I'm sure she is very relieved to not have to wear her Elizabethan collar anymore, although she had got used to it.
I am posting from my sister's computer as I have not been able to access the internet at home for the last 2 weeks, so apologies if I have not visited your blog or replied to your comments. I have tried every avenue to fix it myself (PC Doctor, diagnostic tests, reinstalling the modem etc) but to no avail. I find it bizarre that Outlook Express works, I can access the iTunes store and receive security updates but whenever I try to open Internet Explorer it fails. If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them.
Sorry this is such a boring and pictureless post .... hopefully normal transmission will resume soon!


  1. Good to hear that you and Molly are OK, and Oliver too.

  2. Oh dear. Something similar happened at our house recently. CK was unable to fix and it took the boys in the computer shop over a week of running tests before we all agreed that the whole thing would have to be rebuilt. Sorry. The plus side is it now works brilliantly!!

  3. We had problems a few months ago where the internet would work for very short bursts and then not at all for a day or so each time. After contacting our internet provider and taking out filters, swapping cords around etc they ended up sending us a new modem and we sent our troublesome one back to them - things have been OK since then

  4. Hello There Christine... Good to hear Molly is OK @ least... 'puter not so good Hey? Hopefully just the Modem ???

  5. If you're able to do everything else except open IE, there are alternative browsers available. I use Firefox, and absolutely love it. It may be that your IE is corrupted, and that's why it won't open. The other option may be a complete reinstallation of IE. Good luck with it!

  6. Glad Molly is doing good, and hope you come back to blog land soon.

  7. Nice to hear that you and Molly feels fine.. Im´s sorry that I cant help you with IE but try to install Firefox. It´s easy to use, just like IE..

    Good luck!

  8. I'm glad Molly came through that okay. But I"m sorry to hear about your Internet issues. I agree with some of the others -- try Firefox. I wouldn't use anything else!

  9. I'm so sorry about the internet problems, Christine! I would be lost without mine! Sounds to me like you may need a new modem - but if your Outlook works, then I agree with some of the others - IE might possibly be corrupted. Good luck in getting a fix!
    And I'm so glad Miss Molly is doing better - those collars are never fun.

  10. How is it failing? It could be a virus. Check that your virus scan definitions files are up to date.
    Firefox is another good option that I notice others have suggested. It works the same as IE and has fewer problems.

  11. Pleased to see you are ok Christine. I have missed your posts.



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