Just for a change from Truly Scrumptious, here are some photos I took of the shop area at The Quilted Crow's Christmas Gathering in September.
If you're anything like me, you like to see lots of samples when you visit a quilt shop. The Quilted Crow is very inspirational in this respect.

I love the way they use old furniture, suitcases and bric-a-brac to display their wares.

These quilts hanging on the wall made a fabulous backdrop to the shop area.

Some Natalie Bird patterns and comptatible fabrics.

Hope you enjoyed these piccies. It is a holiday on Monday in Northern Tasmania. As I don't work tomorrow, that makes four days off. Hoping to do some serious stitching.
It's also nearly time for the Christmas decorating to start! I like to start in early November ... it's always exciting unpacking each box ... takes me about two weeks ... usually do a mini spring clean at the same time.