
Friday, 28 December 2007

Well Here Goes

Well, after enjoying lots of crafty quilty blogs for the last few months I have finally decided to take the plunge and give it a go. I love seeing what others are making so now I can share some of my projects too. Hopefully this blog will inspire me to finish more projects too. I am the queen of UFO's.

I got a digital camera for Christmas - my present to myself -and have been busy snapping Christmas craft pics all around the house. Will share some when I work out how!

See you soon, Christine.


  1. Welcome to blogland.........addictive and fun....I have just checked out all your posts very nice and if you stick around and follow my blog you will be welcome to join the swap next year.........
    ......oh if you want people to reply to you (I do) go into your profile and tick show email address......if you don't want people to use your main email address go set up a gmail account for blogging......I have the same as my blog name........

  2. Welcome to blogland and Happy New Year!
    I've been looking through your posts and look forward to read more!
    Take care!

  3. Welcome to blogland ! You will find so much fun and friendship !

  4. Chookyblue has sent us over to say Hello. (She is my cousin)
    Love all your pics. Very clever with all your Xmas decorations.
    Chat again soon Fiona

  5. Just read through your blog .... welcome to blogland! Your blog is interesting and love all your photos and your work is gorgeous. Keep 'em coming!

  6. Wow, I have just spent the last hour scrolling through your blog and admiring all of your lovely work, well done, it was a pleasant hour spent and very inspiring :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I appreciate your thoughts.
